Sciatica Treatment

Sciatica Treatment

Another patient thanks Dr. Ebeling for sciatica treatment and helping her with the back pain  caused by a herniated lumbar disc.


Watch her video here

Video Transcription:  My name is Kit Wones. And I started seeing Dr. Ebeling about I guess a couple years ago. When I first started, my back was really bad and I couldn’t tolerate hardly walking let alone sitting and I drove a truck which didn’t help. Recently I had a really bad fall with my back and it left my leg dragging. And I was in school, and my husband brought me out here, called the doctor right away, bring her in. Brought me in and I went through intense therapy with him and my leg is better. I can actually walk on it, it doesn’t drag. I don’t have to use a staff or a walker to get around with like I was. Pretty much walk on my own. One of the things I need to do is lose more weight and then maybe my back won’t hurt so bad all the time. But if you ever find yourself in a position where your back hurts and you can’t tolerate it, my suggestion is come see Dr. Ebeling because he will get rid of it and he will take into account any other medical factors going on with you. That’s something I haven’t ever seen another doctor or chiropractor do and I’ve been to lots of them. And nobody else takes that into account and this guy does and he’s worth the money and he’s worth the time!

“Hi it’s Dr. Ebeling Let me help you get rid of your back pain and sciatica.  I specialize in a gentle chiropractic technique that will likely save you from going to surgery.  What have you got to lose?  Except the Sciatica!”

sciatica treatment
Robert Ebeling, DC







Englewood Chiropractor Robert Ebeling DC, PC of
A-Just-A-Ble Chiropractic Center
3333 S. Bannock St #235
Englewood, CO 80110
(303) 377-1755